Sinai Sisterhood offers women of all ages the opportunity to socialize and strengthen our relationships with a sense of community, while promoting services, board, committees, special events, parties, rituals and fundraisers.

Sisterhood women meet monthly for programs currently virtually and for safe socially distanced luncheons. They work on a series of extra special fundraisers, charitable community food drives and a huge annual gala fashion show. They offer leadership and teamwork with the Men's Club on many Jewish Holiday and special events.

Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at noon usually. Sisterhood makes a very generous annual donation to Congregation Sinai. Annual membership dues are only $25. Temple membership is not necessary to join our Sisterhood.

This group is a great way to introduce yourself to the Temple, to socialize, make new friends and to celebrate all of the annual Jewish holiday traditions. Many women have joined Sisterhood before becoming temple members.

For more information on joining our Sisterhood, please contact Bev Chern at
Please put "Sisterhood" in the subject line.
Click to download our membership application